There’s no need to look beyond properties in your own neighbourhood to notice the increasing popularity—and use—of modern fencing materials. If you’ve been considering the prospect of building your own fence, you may actually wonder if the ship has sailed on wood fences. While there is definitely a case to be made for newer fencing materials like PVC—hence the reason they are such a common choice—they in no way negate one’s preference for the more traditional material of a wood fence. Wood fences are not only still a widely chosen option, they are a still a wise option; whether the reason is budget (wood is generally more affordable), environmental preference (wood is a natural, renewable resource), or individuality (wood is highly customizable), choosing a wood fence can be done with confidence and pride.
Once the decision has been made to go with a wood fence, there are several considerations to nail down, beginning with the type of wood that will best suit your needs. In this part of the world, the most usual options include pressure treated lumber and cedar. While pressure treated lumber is less expensive, cedar offers a more natural look; both have their own particular maintenance demands, and require a commitment to their proper care. For instance, while pressure treated lumber is treated against decay and holds up well under the elements, it also has more of a tendency to warp and crack. Cedar, while it won’t warp or crack, cannot take as much ‘abuse.’
Next, as mentioned above, a wood fence offers the opportunity to be unique, or simply to build a structure that best fits the purpose for which it’s being built. Wood fencing can be constructed to blend in, stand out, be modern or rustic, create privacy, or even add flair. While most any quality wood fence will add value to your property, narrowing down your preferred style might best be determined by deciding to what extent the wood fence is for your personal enjoyment for years to come, versus an investment that adds value for potential home resale purposes. For instance, narrowing your purpose can help identify whether you might look at installing prefabricated panels, or have something custom built that more suits your personal taste. Pre-fabricated options may not always offer an exciting or unique appearance, but they are cost-effective and not difficult to install—a realistic and feasible option for many homeowners. The possibilities for a custom built wood fence, however, can be limitless, and can enhance your property value.
One final added benefit to choosing wood as a fencing material is the ability you have to stain or paint it as desired; Painting or staining, though requiring time and effort, can help your fence last longer and look better. Ultimately, wood fences are not going away any time soon; they simply offer the widest range of options to fit diverse tastes and needs.