Placing your home up for sale is a big decision. And in order to get the best possible price that you can for it, it’s important to ensure some home improvements are made if necessary, in order to bring it up to date. So before you place that “For Sale” sign on your lawn, consider these four improvements before listing your home:
Clean Up the Landscaping
The landscaping in the front of a home can speak volumes about the interior of it as well. It allows homebuyers to quickly form opinions about the house, for better or for worse. So it can essentially set the tone before prospective buyers even step foot inside. If your lawn or garden could use some extra TLC, now is the time to do it.
Add a Fresh Coat of Paint
If your porch, front doorway or even the interior of your home is looking a little worse for wear, adding a new, fresh coat of paint can work wonders for revitalizing it, cleaning it up, and making your home appear newer and well maintained. So spend the money on a few cans of paint if any of these areas look weathered and worn. And if you have any rooms with bold colours, opt for some neutral tones instead.
Install a New Fence
When the fence around your home is rotten and weathered, make the effort to install a new one. Since it’s also located in plain sight, it can have a drastic impact on those first and last impressions. These days, there are a variety of fence options you can choose from. Whether it’s a wood fence, PVC fence (vinyl fence) or ornamental iron fence – a newly installed fence will wow potential buyers and improve your resale value as well.
Update the Kitchen
If there’s one interior area to focus on improving, it’s the kitchen. If your kitchen has outdated cupboards, flooring, or countertops, it could negatively affect your resale value. Spend the extra time investing in improvements in order to modernize the décor. Having an updated kitchen is a must before placing your home on the market.
So before you go hammering that “For Sale” sign on your lawn, stop and take a look at your home from a prospective buyer’s eyes. Conducting a few key improvements such as these will be well worth your time and effort for getting the best resale value for your home.