Installation and Repair
Need a pool fence for your home?
You’ve invested in installing the swimming pool or hot tub of your dreams, but before you can enjoy your backyard oasis it’s important to ensure that it meets the required safety standards. An often overlooked element of having a private pool installed on your property is the mandated safety enclosure required to keep everyone safe around the body of water.
Each city has its own regulations regarding pool fences, locking gates and inspections; Ottawa is no different. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules before undertaking a pool installation project. In the City of Ottawa, under the Pool Enclosure By-law No. 2013-39, every privately owned outdoor pool, pond or hot tub requires an enclosure for safety reasons.
When looking for a pool fence in Ottawa, there are many options available. New specifications within the By-law have allowed for abundant possibilities when it comes to choosing materials, design, colour and finish. With so many styles and options available to choose from there’s no need to think of your fence as just another safety precaution, but rather a thing of beauty that will enhance your backyard while being, at once, stylish and practical.

Some popular pool fence materials include:
With so many styles, materials and colours at your disposal, installing a pool fence is an ideal way to add safety and appeal to your pool or garden area.

Keep These in Mind
- Any outdoor body of water, including pools, hot tubs and ponds, capable of retaining a water depth equal or greater than 600 mm (24 in) must have an enclosure.
- Every enclosure must be at least 1.5 m (5 ft) in height.
- All openings through or under the fence must be smaller than 100 mm (4 in) so that no objects can pass through.
- The enclosure must not be located within 1 m (3 ft) of the nearest wetted surface.
- All enclosures must be fitted with a self-closing gate with a self-latching device and a lock located inside the enclosed area.
Fence One supplies a wide variety of materials for what you need for your pool fence in Ottawa. If you’re looking for safety and style, look no further than Fence One.